CFO Seal


Company Information

Company Demographic Information
Name of Company:
Case Number:98 3962
Guaranty Association:
Florida Workers’ Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association
Type of Coverage:
Self-Insurance Fund
State of Domicile:
Status of Receivership:
Important Receivership Dates
Date of Rehabilitation:
July 17, 1998
Date of Liquidation:
May 13, 1999
Policy Cancellation Date:June 12, 1999
Claims Filing Deadline:
November 15, 1999
Objection Deadline:
March 15, 2008
Date of Discharge:
June 30, 2017

Distribution Made
​In June 2017, a distribution of $2,007,617.70 was made to FWCIGA, the sole claimant in Class 1 and 2. Together with the $36,400,000 distributed to FWCIGa over the life of the estate as early access, the $38,407,716.70 represented 100% of FWCIGA's Calss1 claims and 54.26% of the guaranty association's Class 2 claims. There are no further distributions anticipated for this estate.

Company Information

​Proof of claim forms have been mailed. Any proof of claim form filed after the claims filing deadline will be considered "late filed". If you have submitted a proof of claim form, you will be notified, in writing, of the Receiver's recommendation on your claim.

Please be advised that it may be several years before a distribution of assets, if any, is made in this receivership.

Estate Closed

The Department was discharged of all of its responsibilities in administering the Florida Workers' Compensation Fund estate and the estate was closed at 11:59 P.M. on June 30, 2017.

Unclaimed Property From Previous Distributions:

Pursuant to the Distribution Orders, all uncashed distribution checks were sent to the Department of Financial Services, Division of Unclaimed Property. The Division of Unclaimed Property may be reached at:
Phone: (850) 410-9253
Toll Free: 1-888-258-2253 (Florida only)
Florida Department of Financial Services
Division of Unclaimed Property
P.O. Box 1910
Tallahassee, FL 32301-1910