CFO Seal

Assignment of Claims

Some companies specialize in purchasing claims and interests in distressed situations (specifically bankruptcies, liquidations and insolvent estates).  Some claimants who have filed a claim in a receivership have received letters from such companies.

Such companies may submit public records requests asking for claims data which includes medical providers' claims information if they comply with the provisions of Florida Statute 631.195.

The decision of whether or not to accept the offer is entirely that of the claimant. The Receiver does not instruct, offer advice or make any comments to influence the claimant’s decision. Financial information regarding claims distributions and payments published on the Receiver’s website can assist the claimant in making an independent and informed decision regarding the sale of the claim. The purchase price being offered in exchange for the assignment may differ from the amount ultimately distributed in the receivership proceeding with respect to the claim.

Once the claim has been properly assigned, the Receiver’s records will be permanently changed and the claimant will no longer have any title, interest or rights to the claim including future mailings and distributions, if they occur.   The forms to assign the claim are available for download.

Should you have any questions regarding this information or regarding the claim process, please visit our website at or call Consumer Services at (800) 882-3054 (Florida calls only) or (850) 413-3132 (if outside of Florida).