CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal

The Plan. Save. Retire. page and its sub-pages are currently being updated to include information about 457b Roth. Please refer to the 457b Roth page for more information about that topic, at this time.


Florida Deferred Compensation Plan has many tools to help Participants along the retirement path. Make sure to utilize them to maximize your Plan experience. The idea is to Plan What is PossibleSave What is Manageable, and Retire When Comfortable. Use the links above to see what it's all about! Also, explore this page to learn how to: Plan. Save. Retire.

Do I Need to Wait Until Open  Enrollment?

Plain and simple—no. The Florida Deferred Compensation Plan is not exclusively linked to the Open Enrollment Period or the Department of Management Services (DMS) Benefit Fairs. Eligible employees may enroll in the Plan at any time during the year. Look below for event information featuring the Bureau of Deferred Compensation and the Plan's Investment Providers.



Start saving, today! It's important to save often and save early. The minimum contribution per monthly pay period is $20 (bi-weekly minimum is $10). If already enrolled, consider increasing contributions. The more you save, the brighter your future becomes! 

Need assistance? Call 877-299-8002
Find an Investment Provider Representative in Your Region

This website is intended to provide information about the State of Florida's Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan. It is not intended as investment, legal, or accounting advice. If investment advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. For changes to your account, go to your Investment Provider's website and log in using the ID and password you created for that Investment Provider.