CFO Seal

Education and Resources


PTSD for First Responders

Effective October 1, 2018, employing agencies of first responders are required to provide mental health training per section 112.1815(6), F.S.

Training Materials


Speakers from the Compliance Bureau are available to provide information about coverage requirements and enforcement actions, upon request. For contractors licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, an hour toward the Workers' Compensation continuing education requirement can be awarded. Please contact with your request.

Free Classes

OSHA and the USF Safety Florida Consultation Program have joined the Division to provide Workers' Compensation and Workplace Safety classes and webinars. These are available to business owners, contractors and everyone who is responsible for assuring that workers' compensation and workplace safety is a priority.

Two types of training opportunities are available:

  • Webinars are held quarterly.
  • In person seminars are conducted upon request.

Both seminars and webinars provide the same material and information for participants.

Continuing Education Units

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available to individuals licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR).

  • Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB)
  • Electrical Contractors Licensing Board (ECLB)





Other Resources
To Start a Business