CFO Seal


The Construction Mining Section works to ensure that material mining in Florida is conducted in accordance with Section 552.30, Florida Statutes and Rule 69A-2.024 FAC. Construction Material Mines are permitted by the Division of State Fire Marshal. 

On this webpage you can learn more information about the laws governing Construction Mining and how to comply with them. 

  • Applying for a Construction Mining Permit
  • Registering as an Independent Seismologist
  • Finding necessary compliance forms
  • Filing a complaint regarding alleged non-compliant mining activity

Using these tools, we can work together to ensure that companies are complying with all Florida laws.

Access the Public Portal

Program Manager: Keith Hernandez

Construction Mining Staff

Job Title

Phone Number

Jessica HallEngineering Specialist(850) 413 - 3732
Mona WoodAnalyst (850) 413 - 3682
Contact Us:
Phone (850) 413-3171
Construction Mining Section
Bureau of Fire Prevention
Division of State Fire Marshal
200 E. Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0342