About Us
"To effectively prevent, discourage, investigate and prosecute arson and arson-related crimes for the protection of Florida citizens and their property."
The Bureau of Fire, Arson, and Explosives Investigations is a law enforcement branch of the Criminal Investigations Division. It is responsible for conducting fire, arson, explosives investigations, and other associated crimes statewide. The Bureau was originally established in 1973 as part of the Office of State Fire Marshal. It was formed to suppress arson and investigate the origin, cause, and fire circumstances. In 1976, the Bureau became recognized as a sworn law enforcement agency.
Our investigators are sworn state law enforcement officers. They are available to respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to calls initiated by fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and citizens who need assistance conducting fire origin and cause investigations.
In 2022, the Bureau received more than 2,898 new requests for investigative assistance from city, county, state, and federal agencies and private citizens. The Bureau investigated incidents with an estimated property loss of nearly $125 million. Of this estimated loss, approximately $16 million was attributed to arson. As a result of those investigations, the Bureau made arrests in 188 cases with 201 defendant arrests. The numbers are staggering, and we are working harder than ever to ensure that those responsible for arson are apprehended and prosecuted.
The Commission reaccredited the Criminal Investigations Division for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation on October 7th, 2021.